
賞味期限 best-before date と消費期限 expiry date

賞味期限 best-before date  と消費期限    expiry date 
 expiry date  
(The expiration date is the deadline when it is recognized that there is no danger of hygiene caused by deterioration of food such as putrefaction(corruption) or spoilage.) 
An expiration date or expiry date is a previously determined date after which something should no longer be used, either by operation of law or by exceeding the anticipated shelf life for perishable goods. Expiration dates are applied to selected food products and to some other manufactured products like infant car seats where the age of the product may impact its safe use.[1] 
the last day the product will be safe to consume 
shelf life;貯蔵寿命、保管寿命。開封しなければ保存可能な食品など、long-life milk, long-life tofu   
一般的な牛乳は、開封前、開封後とも10℃以下で冷蔵する必要がある。一方でロングライフ牛乳(常温保存可能品)は、冷蔵での保管は勿論、未開封の状態では60日間の常温保存が可能である  General milk must be refrigerated at 10 ° C. or lower both before and after opening. On the other hand, long-life milk (a product that can be stored at room temperature) can be stored at room temperature for 60 days if left unopened, as well as refrigerated. 
Morinaga tofu can be stored at room temperature, with a shelf life of 6.4 months (195 days) from the date of production.  
xamples of foods that can be stored at room temperature 
Retort curry  

best-before date 
「賞味期限」は食品衛生法やJAS法(日本農林規格法)などに規定されている。品質が比較的劣化しにくい、スナック菓子、冷凍食品、乳製品、缶詰、清涼飲料水などは賞味期限を表示することが 義務づけられている。消費者がおいしく食べられることを製造元が保証する期限で、それを過ぎても品質が保たれている場合もある。 
"Best before date" is defined in the Food Sanitation Law and the JAS Law (Japanese Agricultural Standards Law). For snacks, frozen foods, dairy products, canned goods, soft drinks, etc., whose quality is relatively resistant to deterioration, it is mandatory to display the expiration date. It is time limit until which manufacturers guarantee that consumers will be able to eat them deliciously. There are cases where quality is maintained even after it. 
date of minimum durability 


except foods expiry date examples infant car seats and so on 
Do Japanese take use-by dates too seriously? 
Feb. 26, 2017  11:00 pm JST  35 Comments 

Here are three appalling and astonishing statistics, the first from the U.N.’s World Food Program, the second from Japan’s environment ministry, the third courtesy of Josei Jishin (Feb 28). 
(1) Roughly 795 million people worldwide – one-ninth of the global population – go to bed hungry at night. 貧しい人々 
(2) Japan trashes annually some 6.32 million tons of perfectly good food.日本食品の廃棄 
(3) An average Japanese family of four trashes annually about 60,000 yen worth of perfectly good food.6万円分の食料廃棄 
consumer advisor Rumi Ide, an expert on “food loss.” Largely to blame, she says, is consumer obsession with “shomi kigen” – the use-by date the Food Sanitation Law requires be stamped on all Japanese food product packaging. Shomi kigen is an important and valuable guideline, but need not, says Ide, be taken quite literally. 
Another date – “shohi kigen” (consume-by date) – is more compelling, and though the difference isn’t immediately apparent in translation, shohi kigen pertains to the product’s safety, whereas shomi kigen indicates the point beyond which the product may become less tasty. Or (more likely) may not. 
Take eggs, for instance. Generally the shomi kigen is two weeks after production, which is appropriate for eggs eaten raw in summer but not, say, for eggs eaten cooked in winter. In that case, says Ide, an egg is good for 57 days after production. In spring, figure 25 days after production. 
Natto, says Ide, is good for two to three days beyond the one week the shomi kigen provides for; instant noodles, for a month beyond shomi kigen; retort-pouched food items like curry and pasta sauce, for at least double the one-year limit stamped on the package. And so on down the list. Canned foods, honey, umeboshi and tea leaves are the other examples provided, all of them good somewhat if not far beyond the shohi kigen. Some are even tastier shortly after it.キムチとか発酵が進んで (As the fermentation of kimchi progresses, lactic acid bacteria乳酸菌 increase, which is good for health and increase flavor.  
Better, consumers and producers might well think – the former fearing health issues, the latter lawsuits – to err on the side of caution. Consumers, aware of past food industry scandals(山崎パン製造年月日偽表示 the false display of production date by Yamazaki bread 、雪印乳業集団食中毒事件 Snow Brand Milk Group Food Poisoning Incident,) are understandably wary. Who knows what the industrial food producers are feeding us? Chemical colorings, flavor enhancers, preservatives and pre-cooked instant meals are all important to a culture that has less and less time to spend on home cooking. If the industry, backed by the law, advises consumption before a certain date, it would seem the last word on the subject. It’s not, though. The last word is: food loss. Food waste encouraged by the expiry date backed by the law 
Ide’s rule of thumb is that shomi kigen dates are 20% too short, give or take. Beyond that, “use your five senses,” she exhorts. They were the instruments that served before shomi kigen began appearing in 1995, and they worked well. “Before you throw something out,” Ide says, “put your five senses to work as people used to.” Does it look funny? Smell funny? If not – eat it. “You’ll not only reduce food waste,” says Josei Jishin, “you’ll see the difference in your food budget.” 


2000年3月31日、雪印乳業大樹工場の生産設備で氷柱の落下で3時間の停電が発生し、同工場内のタンクにあった脱脂乳が20度以上にまで温められたまま約4時間も滞留した。この間に病原性黄色ブドウ球菌が増殖して4月1日製造分の脱脂粉乳内に毒素(エンテロトキシンA)が発生した。[1]本来なら滞留した原料は廃棄すべきものであったが、殺菌装置で黄色ブドウ球菌を死滅させれば安全と判断し、脱脂粉乳を製造した。工場は、4月1日分の脱脂粉乳に細菌が異常繁殖していることを4月3日に把握したが、製造課長は叱責を恐れてこれを隠蔽した。[3]この脱脂粉乳はそのまま出荷されたほか、4月10日製造分の脱脂粉乳に再利用された。黄色ブドウ球菌自体は死滅したが、毒素が残ったまま脱脂粉乳は大阪工場に送られた。 On March 31, 2000, a three-hour power outage occurred due to the fall of an icicle at the production equipment at the Snow Brand Daiki Plant's Taiki Plant. Also stayed. During this time, pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus proliferated and a toxin (enterotoxin A) was produced in skim milk powder manufactured on April 1. [1] Originally, the accumulated raw materials were to be discarded. However, it was determined that it would be safe to kill Staphylococcus aureus with a sterilizer, and skim milk powder was produced. The factory learned on April 3 that bacteria had grown abnormally in the skim milk powder for April 1, but the production manager concealed the fear of reprimand叱責. [3] The skim milk was shipped as it was and reused for skim milk manufactured on April 10. The Staphylococcus aureus itself died, but the skim milk was sent to the Osaka factory with the toxin remaining.