

おはよう日本20170328 で気になったトピック二つ;1.「日本の核兵器禁止条約交渉の不参加」
23:22 27 March 2017 kyodo news
U.N. talks begin on treaty to ban nuclear weapons
NEW YORK, March 27, Kyodo
U.N. negotiations on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons began in New York on Monday, with the five major nuclear powers not participating.
It is unclear whether Japan, the world's only atom-bombed country, will formally join the talks, though its disarmament envoy Nobushige Takamizawa plans to make a speech on the first day of discussions.
Japan remains vague about whether it will join the talks, reflecting its reliance on the U.S. nuclear deterrent for protection. But it still says it aspires to a nuclear-weapon-free world as the only nation to have been attacked with atomic bombs.
The first round of negotiations will run through Friday, with the second taking place from June 15 through July 7. Both sessions will be held in New York.
Of the five major states possessing nuclear weapons, the United States, Britain, France and Russia are vehemently opposed to the treaty. China recently decided not to participate in the talks after weighing up the possibility of joining them.
vehemently 熱烈に、猛烈に
Mexico and Austria had been among the countries that have strongly pursued the start of negotiations, urging Japan and North Atlantic Treaty Organization member states to join the talks.

Japan Times のかつての(2016年の)Editorialより
Japan’s hypocritical nuclear stance
Japan’s vote at the United Nations last week to oppose a resolution to start talks on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons is regrettable. It contradicts the nation’s long-standing call for the elimination of such weapons as the sole country to have suffered nuclear attacks.
 Tokyo’s latest move — which reflects the government’s reliance on the U.S. nuclear umbrella for the nation’s security
核の傘 the American nuclear umbrella
なぜ、日本は唯一の被爆国でこれまで核廃絶(call for the elimination of nuclear weapons)を訴えてきたのに、核兵器禁止条約交渉に不参加(not join the talks on a treaty outlawing nuclear weapons)なのか?に、少し答えている記事を発見しました。↓

…the influential U.S. right-wing columnist George Will published a column in which he called North Korea "lunatic," "demented," and "culturally primitive,"
 Actually using nuclear weapons is madness, but threatening nuclear attack has a certain logic to it. Everybody knows this logic: It's called nuclear deterrence. (You and I live under the U.S. "nuclear umbrella," so we can't say this has nothing to do with us.) If you threaten an enemy country with nuclear retaliation, probably it won't attack you. The trouble with this strategy is that for the threat to be effective, you must make the enemy believe you(like the U.S, Britain, France, Russia and China) really are crazy enough to carry out mass murder. Without that, the nuclear threat is no threat.
nuclear deterrence 核抑止力
retaliation報復(nuclear retaliation= a military doctrine and nuclear strategy in which a state commits itself to retaliate in much greater force in the event of an attack.)

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