
Coffee House-Liquid Network

TEDSteven Johnson: Where good ideas come from について
  • Where good ideas come from

We have to change some of our models of what innovation and deep thinking really looks like.
Newton and the apple.

You know, you're sitting there thinking a deep thought, and the apple falls from the tree, and you have the theory of gravity.
 “Coffee house”
The “liquid network” is where you have lots of different ideas, different backgrounds, different interests, jostling(bumping, tossing) with each other, bouncingはずむ off each other. That environment is, in fact, the environment that leads to innovation.
the English coffeehouse was crucial to the development and spread of one of the great intellectual flowerings of the last 500 years, what we now call the Enlightenment. And the coffeehouse played such a big role in the birth of the Enlightenmentthe E~] 〔哲学〕 18世紀のヨーロッパ, 特にフランスでの合理主義的)啓蒙運動..

It was a space where people would get together from different backgrounds, different fields of expertise(knowledge, skill,エキスパートのスキル、知識), and share. It was a space, where ideas could have sex. This was their conjugal夫婦(間)の bed, in a sense; ideas would get together there.
From German textbook,
Fuer jeden Wiener gehoerte es sich damals(1800s), ein Stammkafe zu haben, wo er Freunde traf, plauderte, spielte, studierte, dihchtete, beobachtete, Stunden verbrachte oder auch den ganzen Tag.
Erster Kafee; als Kriegsbeute (war booty, war loot) aus der Tuerkei in 1683


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