Was beeindruckend fuer mich war ist eine Szene aus einem Film, den ich
auf einem PC gesehen. ( Virtue und Moirs Eistanzperformance war auch sehr beeindruckend). Der
Film ist "Der ehemalige Schuldirektor und eine streunende Katze". Der
ehemalige Schulleiter, der vor kurzem seine Frau verloren hat, lebt allein, und
ist eine hartnaeckige und unsoziale Person. Er versucht oft, die streunende
Katze wegzutreiben, die ins Haus reinkommt. Er sagt: "Wenn du kommst,
erinnere ich mich immer daran, dass meine Frau gestorben ist."
Erinnerungsszene ist wunderschoen.
Katze weint Mya. Die Ehefrau sagt; "Me-chan, kommst du schon wieder?"
Er schaut vom Fenster seines Studierzimmers im ersten Stock auf den Garten
hinunter. Es gibt die Gartenerde, die Schaufeln, einen Eimer mit Wasser,
Clematis, Kosmos, Sonnenlicht und eine Katze und eine grauhaarige Frau mit
einem sanften Ausdruck. Was fuer eine schoene Szene. Ich waere gerne so eine
What was impressive to me is a scene from a movie I saw on a PC. (Virtue and Moir's ice dance performance was also very impressive). The film is "The Former School Principal and a Stray Cat". The former headmaster, who has recently lost his wife, lives alone, and is an obstinate and anti-social person. He often tries to drive away the stray cat that comes in the house. He says, "When you come, I always remember that my wife died."
His recalling scene is beautiful.
The cat is crying Mya. The wife says; "Me-chan, are you coming again?" He looks down from the window of his study on the first floor down to the garden. There are the garden soil, the shovels, a bucket of water, clematis, cosmos, sunlight and a cat and a gray-haired woman with a gentle expression. What a nice scene. I would like to be such a woman in the future.
Dies ist der heutige Garten. Es gibt keine Blumen oder keine Gartenarbeit. Er erinnert sich an die Vergangenheit.
In der Vergangenheit gab es eine Katze und seine Frau im Garten.
What was impressive to me is a scene from a movie I saw on a PC. (Virtue and Moir's ice dance performance was also very impressive). The film is "The Former School Principal and a Stray Cat". The former headmaster, who has recently lost his wife, lives alone, and is an obstinate and anti-social person. He often tries to drive away the stray cat that comes in the house. He says, "When you come, I always remember that my wife died."
His recalling scene is beautiful.
The cat is crying Mya. The wife says; "Me-chan, are you coming again?" He looks down from the window of his study on the first floor down to the garden. There are the garden soil, the shovels, a bucket of water, clematis, cosmos, sunlight and a cat and a gray-haired woman with a gentle expression. What a nice scene. I would like to be such a woman in the future.
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