grauhaarige Frau
Ich bin
nicht gut an Fantasie. Ich sage lieber die Wahrheit.
Als ich
20 Jahre alt wurde, war das mir nicht sicher, dass ich erwachsen wurde. Weil ich
noch Studentin war und meine Eltern die
Studiengebuehren und Lebenshaltungskosten schickten, und ich ein entspannendes
Studentenleben in einer schoenen Stadt, Kanazawa genossen. Als ich 20 Jahre alt
war, hatte ich kein besonderes Gefuehl. Noch immer kann ich mich als Erwachsener
mit Selbstvertrauen(self-relaiability) und Verantwortungsbewusstsein(responsibility)
halten. Ich bin einfach ein Mensch, der so alt ist. Ich bin weder mehr noch
Aber!! Als
ich neulich mein Aussehen von hinten im Spiegel sah, dachte ich, dass die Menge
grauer Haare zugenommen hat und fuehlte dass die Frau im Spiegel eine sehr
reife Frau, ein richtiger Erwachsener oder eine alte Frau, war. Ich schaemte
mich ploetzlich, nicht wegen der Alten, sondern wegen meiner inneren Unreife.
Meine Mentalitaet
ist zu kindisch und passt nicht zu dieser grauhaarigen Frau. Ich wollte in diesem
Augenblick wirklich ein Erwachsener sein.
dafuer, wie ich kindisch bin, sind wie Folgendes;
gebe oft auf, ein Buch fertigzulesen und vergesse es oft und weiß nicht, wo es
ist. Ich kann oft den Pullover nicht
fertigstricken und die Saison vergeht. Ich verbringe oft einen Tag untaetig,
ohne etwas zu tun, was das ich tun wollte oder tun muss, nur weil ich alleine
zu Hause bin und mich ohne Familie einsam fuehle.
ich im Moment dachte, ist, dass die Natur dieser Akte meine kindliche Aspekte
ist und gleichzeitig auch eine Alterserscheinung. Bin ich nicht nur eine
unreife alter e Frau?)
Ich moechte
eine geistig unabhaengige reife Frau sein, die dieses Aussehen von hinten
A gray-haired woman
I am not good at imagination. I prefer to tell the truth.
When I turned 20, I was not sure I was becoming a grownup. Because I was still a student and my parents sent the tuition and living expenses, and I enjoyed a relaxing student life in a beautiful city, Kanazawa. When I was 20 years old, I had no special feelings. Still now, I don't think I am a matured person with self-reliance and responsibility. I'm just a person that is so old. I am neither more nor less.
But!! The other day, when I saw my look from behind in the mirror, I thought that the amount of gray hair had increased and felt that the woman in the mirror was a very mature woman, a real adult or an old woman. I suddenly felt ashamed, not because of the old people, but because of my inner immaturity.
My mentality is too childish and does not suit this gray-haired woman. I really wanted to be an adult right now.
Examples of how childish I am are as follows;
I often give up reading a book and often forget it and do not know where it is. I often can not finish the sweater and the season goes by. I often spend a day idly, without doing anything that I wanted or need to do, just because I'm home alone and feel lonely without a family.
(What I'm thinking at the moment is that the nature of this file is my childish aspect, and at the same time an aging look.) Am I not just an immature old woman?)
I would like to be a mentally independent mature woman who deserves this look from behind.
A gray-haired woman
I am not good at imagination. I prefer to tell the truth.
When I turned 20, I was not sure I was becoming a grownup. Because I was still a student and my parents sent the tuition and living expenses, and I enjoyed a relaxing student life in a beautiful city, Kanazawa. When I was 20 years old, I had no special feelings. Still now, I don't think I am a matured person with self-reliance and responsibility. I'm just a person that is so old. I am neither more nor less.
But!! The other day, when I saw my look from behind in the mirror, I thought that the amount of gray hair had increased and felt that the woman in the mirror was a very mature woman, a real adult or an old woman. I suddenly felt ashamed, not because of the old people, but because of my inner immaturity.
My mentality is too childish and does not suit this gray-haired woman. I really wanted to be an adult right now.
Examples of how childish I am are as follows;
I often give up reading a book and often forget it and do not know where it is. I often can not finish the sweater and the season goes by. I often spend a day idly, without doing anything that I wanted or need to do, just because I'm home alone and feel lonely without a family.
(What I'm thinking at the moment is that the nature of this file is my childish aspect, and at the same time an aging look.) Am I not just an immature old woman?)
I would like to be a mentally independent mature woman who deserves this look from behind.
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